On Apr 30, 2:08 am, JoelS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I found the same problem using SAGE 3.0 on a MacBook running OS X.
> 4.11. Same behavior in both command line and notebook.
> Here's the error report that resulted from trying to plot from command
> line:
> *****
> sage: plot(sin(x),0,10)

> <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: dlopen(/Applications/sage-3.0/local/
> lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/_image.so, 2): Library not
> loaded: /sw/lib/libpng12.0.dylib
>   Referenced from: /Applications/sage-3.0/local/lib/python2.5/site-
> packages/matplotlib/_image.so
>   Reason: image not found

Both problems are essentially the same. In this case matplotlib ends
up getting linked against the MacPorts libpng in sw. One solution is
to clean your PATH and DY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH for now of any references to
"/sw". MacPorts is about as useful as Cygwin in general, but no need
to rand and rave here.

> >   Reason: Incompatible library version: _image.so requires version
> > 17.0.0 or later, but libpng12.0.dylib provides version 0.1.2

Here we end up linking against the system's libpng.

I have to investigate why matplotlib is stupid in the first place, but
python+libpng is an open problem with Sage on OSX 10.4 anyway and
maybe the switch to 2.5.2 in 3.0 did introduce some changes that
caused this to get worst. It has been on my list for a long, long time
to finally teach Python and distutils about the need to obey and link
against the libpng I tell it to, so please open a blocker ticket and
let's get those issues fixed.

Thanks for reporting the bug.


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