>  >  I recently downloaded the Vmware version, since Fedora 8 won't let me
>  >  render 3D (just 2D, I guess I'm gonna have to try the Sun JDK), and
>  >  I've been pleased with the quality of the plots, there's a lot of
>  >  potential there, but I still miss the 'good 'ol mesh'. My experience
>  >  with Unix editing tools (ed, sed, grep, etc.) has been so superficial
>  >  that I must confess I find it easier to click the Kwrite icon than
>  >  trying to understand search methods or regular expressions. The best I
>  >  could achieve was to dump the file to screen (using w3m and Firefox
>  >  opening a new tab for me) and that was it. Look but don't touch. Any
>  >  suggestions??
>  >
>  >   - Louie -
>  This is trac ticket #2741:
>    http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2741
>  I'll try to do it right now, so that mesh lines will be in the next
>  version of Sage.

I've posted a patch to


If somebody (Jason Grout -- hint hint) referees it, then
it'll be in the next sage release.  It makes it so there
is a mesh=True and dots=True option for plot3d
and parametric_plot3d.  The mesh looks pretty good.

 -- William

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