On May 7, 1:10 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:41 AM, mabshoff

Hi David,

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  On May 7, 12:29 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Hi David,
> >  > Replying to my own email again, I built 3.0.1 from for the 3rd time and,
> >  > even, though the build goes fine apparently, at starting sage from the
> >  > command line, I get the same import error, even for the "uncorrupted" 
> > download.
> >  > Any hints?
> >  Does the md5sum match?
> >  e4978d4f05528196aace3dde8b7d563b  sage-3.0.1.tar
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/wdj/sagefiles$ md5sum sage-3.0.1.tar
> e4978d4f05528196aace3dde8b7d563b  sage-3.0.1.tar


> >  Are you still using pbuild? It would likely be the problem. If you do
> I thought I wasn't but
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/wdj/sagefiles$ env | grep SAGE
> so does that mean I am?

Yes. unset those variables to get rid of them.

> >  delete the directory
> >  devel/sage/build/
> >  Then make sure PBUILD's env variables are not defined and then run
> >  "sage -ba"
> Okay. I'm starting in a new shell, for safety's sake.


> >  Another common problem is a poisoned SAGE-env, i.e. make sure "env |
> >  grep SAGE" is clean. It is also not recommended to build over an
> >  existing build.
> Thanks!
> >  Please also post a link to install.log.
> It's uploading tohttp://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wdj/patches/install.log
> Should be there in 5-10 minutes.

Ok, I had a look and #3101 did get applied to the tree, but there is
some deeper issue in pbuild involved there:

While wrap.cc is now build as a C++ file the extension mwrank.so is
still build as a C file:

gcc -O3 -g -fwrapv -shared -fno-strict-aliasing /mnt/drive_hda1/
sagefiles/sage-3.0.1/devel/sage/build/temp/sage/libs/mwrank/mwrank.o -
L/home/wdj/wdj/sagefiles/sage-3.0.1/local/lib  -lcsage  -lcurvesntl  -
lg0nntl  -ljcntl  -lrankntl  -lntl  -lgmp  -lgmpxx  -lstdc++  -lm  -
lpari  -lstdc++  -lntl  -o /mnt/drive_hda1/sagefiles/sage-3.0.1/devel/

I checked and it is supposed to be build as a C++ extension.

*But*: Checking the next extension, i.e. pow_computer_ext.so you see
that here gcc is also used:

gcc -O3 -g -fwrapv -shared -fno-strict-aliasing /mnt/drive_hda1/
pow_computer_ext.o -L/home/wdj/wdj/sagefiles/sage-3.0.1/local/lib  -
lcsage  -lcsage  -lntl  -lgmp  -lgmpxx  -lm  -lstdc++ -lstdc++  -lntl
-o /mnt/drive_hda1/sagefiles/sage-3.0.1/devel/sage-main/build/sage/

I am not quire sure if that is supposed to be, but I always wondered
why on earth we would explicitly link stdc++?



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