Hi Shahab,

disclaimer: I have never used R.
But hopefully my remarks make sense.

On May 15, 9:49 am, shahab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> x = r.cbind(1, 1:7)
> gives me a syntax error and

It complains about the colon in "1:7". Do you mean "1/7" or "1.7"?
Both work:
sage: x = r.cbind(1,1/7)
sage: x
     sage6     sage5
[1,]     1 0.1428571
sage: x = r.cbind(1,1.7)
sage: x
     sage3 sage2
[1,]     1   1.7

> y = r.apply(x,2,median)
> tells me
> NameError: name 'median' is not defined

I guess you forgot the quotation marks around median:
sage: y=r.apply(x,2,'median')
sage: y
sage3 sage2
  1.0   1.7


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