On May 19, 2008, at 12:03 PM, mabshoff wrote:

> On May 19, 7:39 pm, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On May 19, 2008, at 10:28 AM, mabshoff wrote:
> <SNIP>
>>> there hasn't been an official release with the fixed Cython yet,  
>>> just
>>> 3.0.2.alpha0 and alpha1. It is now likely that 3.0.2 will be out  
>>> in 48
>>> hours, so there is no point in making a premature 3.0.2. release  
>>> with
>>> just that fix any more.
>> Excellent. My next 48 hours are insanely busy with school stuff, but
>> good luck with the release.
> Thanks ;)
> I am wondering about how that affects the coercion merge schedule. By
> now I think we should do a 3.0.3 release lasting about 5-10 days
> depending when you guys are ready. Things where I will do work is OSX
> 64 bit and Cygwin, so that should be orthogonal to the coercion work.
> But we do have a boat load of patches in trac [70+], so IMHO we should
> do a "Patch Review Day" masking as Bug Day 13 this Saturday.

David Roe and I did some work on coercion this last weekend, but I  
should be able to really plow into it later this week. 3.0.3 sounds  
like a good idea.

>>> Sorry for dropping the ball there, I was
>>> really busy with porting.
>> Well, I really dropped the ball letting such a crippling bug through.
> Hehe, it is good to share the blame. I meant had I know that this
> issue causes this much trouble I would have attempted to do 3.0.2
> quicker instead of the two week cycle. Is there any way to test Cython
> introspection automatically via the standard doctests, so that we
> could catch such an issue via the normal doctesting? It would also be
> interesting to see if once we have the XMLRPC stuff in place [I think
> we do already] to run some tests via the commandline by "injecting"
> content into some worksheet so that we do more automated testing.

We have automated testing for Cython too--I'm going to change it so  
the annotation gets run for all of the files so that gets tested  
everywhere too. One can (hypothetically) test any notebook code, see  
the sage/server/simple/twist.py doctest (which I saw is currently  
broken, but it's at least an attempt to doctest a running notebook).

- Robert

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