Hi Greg,

I'm sorry to hear that this is causing you trouble with your system
admin. I will take care of this issue first thing on August 1st.

Currently the only purpose of email addresses being required in
registration is to prevent people from being spammed who never signed
up in the first place when someone tries to recover her password. But
this system is clearly flawed.

On August 1st I'll submit a patch that implements a notebook
configuration keyword with the default value of False and tie the
registration and password recovery system to it.


PS: I can't do the simple commenting out until sometime tomorrow
because I stupidly didn't bring my laptop with me on my trip.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:29 AM, mabshoff
> On Jul 11, 10:23 pm, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2008, at 7:55 PM, Greg Landweber wrote:
> Greg, Robert,
>> > I am running a Sage notebook server for my students. Every time one of
>> > my students creates an account, the notebook sends the student an
>> > e-mail with a link to confirm their e-mail address. However, that
>> > e-mail gets bounced back to the server since my machine is not
>> > authorized to send e-mail messages. However, the bounced back message
>> > cannot be delivered since my server does not support incoming mail,
>> > and the message gets stuck in my college's mail queue. Then I get
>> > nasty messages from my college's unix system administrator.
>> > I want to turn off the "feature" of the notebook that sends out e-mail
>> > messages to everyone who creates an account. As far as I can tell, you
>> > can use your newly created account to log in to the notebook, even
>> > without receiving the e-mail and confirming your e-mail address.
>> > My students and I are able to use Sage just fine. I just want to avoid
>> > the complaints from my sysadmin about the bounced e-mail being sent by
>> > my server.
>> > -- Greg
>> Thanks for the clarification. This can easily be resolved by
>> commenting out line ~1716 of sage/server/notebook/twist.py. This
>> should probably be made optional and configurable somewhere.
>> - Robert
> We are tracking this request at 
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3649.
> One more question for Greg: What happened to the OSX Sage app you
> showed at Dev1? We are really anxious to get it merged into Sage since
> it looked really cool :)
> Cheers,
> Michael
> >

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