Martin Albrecht wrote:
> On Friday 29 August 2008, Jason Grout wrote:
>> Martin Albrecht wrote:

>> We could have _c_NTL_init_ or _c_blas_init_, etc., for variants if
>> people want.  Another thought is to pass options to the systems, like
>> _c_init_('blas','NTL','singular').
> That looks like an infinite amount of work compared to very little benefit. 
> Anybody interested in writing code for these libraries, can look at our 
> sources to see how we link into them. I doubt automatic code generation would 
> be of much use here.

I agree. I certainly am not volunteering to do that sort of thing; just 
pointing out that if we really wanted to, we could probably generate 
code that would use various libraries to give C more capabilities.


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