On Sep 25, 3:19 pm, RayKiddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> This seems pretty basic, but I am having issues with deleting
> worksheets and then not having them pop up again.
> Yes, I could read a few hundred pages of manuals, but how hard should
> this be. I followed the instructions for installing sage on Mac OS X
> (10.4.11) and that works. So I do:
> % ./sage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | SAGE Version 3.1.1, Release Date: 2008-08-17                       |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: notebook()
> The notebook files are stored in: /Users/ray/.sage//sage_notebook
> **************************************************
> *                                                *
> * Open your web browser tohttp://localhost:8000*
> *                                                *
> **************************************************
> So, I click on the checkbox next to one of the worksheets and hit the
> Delete button. I click on the "Log out" link. Now, I see this on
> sage's console:
> 2008-09-25 15:06:15-0700 [-] Log opened.
> 2008-09-25 15:06:15-0700 [-] twistd 8.0.1 (/Users/ray/Applications/
> sage/local/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up
> 2008-09-25 15:06:15-0700 [-] reactor class: <class
> 'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'>
> 2008-09-25 15:06:15-0700 [-] twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory
> starting on 8000
> 2008-09-25 15:06:15-0700 [-] Starting factory
> <twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory instance at 0x38234b8>
> 2008-09-25 15:08:05-0700 [HTTPChannel,1,]
> I never get back to a prompt? How do I? The only way I have found is
> to type a ^C.
> ^C2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Saving notebook...
> 2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Saving notebook...
> 2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Notebook cleanly saved.
> 2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Notebook cleanly saved.
> 2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Main loop terminated.
> 2008-09-25 15:15:15-0700 [-] Server Shut Down.
> True
> sage: quit
> Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.03s, Wall time 9m15.28s).
> %
> Hm. Looks as though it saved. I re-start sage and there it is. The
> worksheet I thought I deleted is back.

This was a bug fixed in the 3.1.2 release. There is no 3.1.2 binary
for OSX 10.4 PPC yet, but there should be in the not too distant

> So, I see a "Delete" button, a "Save" button, a "Save & Quit" button.
> I have tried all of these. No effect. Is there a "Delete Really"
> button? Where is it? I tried to get back to the "sage:" prompt with a
> ^D. What else should I try? ^X-elbow-Z? What is the magic word for
> getting it to do this rather obvious thing?
> If someone can explain it, I can find a rather obvious place to put
> this info in the documentation. I found several obvious places, and no
> documentation. Thanks.


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