On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Jason Grout
> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> On Sep 25, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Erik Lane wrote:
>>> Yes, I saw that in the solution of the other one (and have changed my
>>> plots to take this into account), but what is the advantage of the
>>> aspect ratio default *not* being 1? I'm very curious. I'm not a
>>> mathematician, just a student going through college, so I would love
>>> to hear the why behind this.
>>> Also, does this have much of an effect on all my other plots? Do I
>>> have to pay attention every time to see if the axes are at different
>>> ratios to each other? (Although in many plots I guess they easily
>>> could be anyways.)
>> The "interesting" range for x and y are rarely a 1:1 aspect ratio
>> (e.g. plot sin, exp, or even most polynomials on (-10,10)). However,
>> for geometric objects like circles, I think the default aspect ratio
>> should be 1:1.
> You've said this before too.  For reference, this is
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2100

For further reference, I implemented 3d plotting that way,
so the default when you make a sphere is a 1:1:1
aspect ratio.

So I also agree.


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