On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 2:50 AM, Stan Schymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This does not format things like a_2 very well. What about this one?
> def ashow(v):
>    show(sage.calculus.calculus.var(v)==eval(v))
> Show seems to format the equations nicely without explicitly using
> latex.
> If latex is desired explicitly, the following works, too:
> def ashow(v):
>   show(latex(sage.calculus.calculus.var(v)==eval(v)))
> a_2 = 1/2
> ashow('a_2')
> Note that sage.calculus.calculus.var(v) has to be used instead of
> var(v), otherwise the variable will be reset in the global name space.
> It took me a while to figure this out. :)
> Could something like this be included as a standard function in one of
> the next releases?

Yes, that could be reasonable, if it has proper documentation, etc.
Can somebody open a trac ticket and post it here?


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