On Nov 3, 7:04 pm, Sameer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,> >    Here is an update on AIX. I found why sage startup was 
> crashing in
> > > real_mpfi.so. I rebuilt libmpfi.so and recompiled real_mpfi.pyx and
> > > complex_double.pyx. The illegal instruction error was due to an error
> > > in building libmpfi.so caused by arguments given by libtool. By
> > > testing with the supplied testcases I was able to narrow it down.
> > Ok, can you give some details what had to be changed?
> I just did a manual:
> % cd spkg/build; cp -r mpfi* mympfi (the package builds without error
> and deletes the sources, so it is important to copy it midway while it
> is building);

Yes. Just run "./sage -sh", then cd into spkg/standard, tar xjf
foo.spkg, cd into foo and run ./spkg-install.

> % cd mympfi; make;
> % gcc -shared -o libmpfi.so ../src/.libs/*.o -L/usr/local/PET/src/
> build/sage-3.1.1/local/lib -lmpfr -lgmp
> cp libmpfi $SAGE_LOCAL/lib
> and tested with the tests/test_mpfi to make sure it didn't crash with
> the illegal instruction.

Ok, but why would a static library crash?


> Thanks I will rebuild it!
> - Sameer


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