I tried to demonstrate Cayley Hamilton in Sage, but failed.  Here is what I

sage: f = function('f')
sage: m = matrix([[f(i,j) for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)])
sage: p=SR[x](m.characteristic_polynomial('x'))
sage: p.subs(x=m)

[(f(0, 0) - x)*(f(1, 1) - x) - f(0, 1)*f(1, 0)
[                                            0 (f(0, 0) - x)*(f(1, 1) - x) -
f(0, 1)*f(1, 0)]

Of course, the result *should* be the zero matrix.  It seems that the value of
p is not what I'd expect:

sage: p.coefficients()
[(f(0, 0) - x)*(f(1, 1) - x) - f(0, 1)*f(1, 0)]

So, probably the question is: how do I create a polynomial over Symbolic Ring

Many thanks,


I'm not sure whether it helps, but here is how I'd do it in FriCAS:

n := 4;
SM ==> SquareMatrix(n, FRAC POLY INT)

-- create a generic matrix

M: SM := matrix [[a[i,j] for j in 1..n] for i in 1..n]

-- Computes determinant (M - x*Id) where M is the previous generic matrix.
P := determinant (M - x * 1)

-- Now evaluate P(M). We find the (0)_4 matrix.  Note that you can coerce only
-- to a univariate polynomial (short: UP), since matrix multiplication is not
-- commutative...

(P::UP(x, SM)) M

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