On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:43 PM, John H Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers.  By the way:
>> Infinite fields of characteristic p aren't perfect,
> Isn't the algebraic closure of F_p perfect?  For fields of
> characteristic p, perfect should mean that every element has a pth
> root.  (I agree that some infinite fields of characteristic p aren't
> perfect, but this is not true for all of them.)

Sorry, Fpbar is indeed an exception.   I was thinking of "global fields",
which are fields that are finitely generated over their prime subfield (in this
case, F_p).    Any algebraically closed field is perfect,
since there are no nontrivial finite extensions.

If a field F is infinite and finitely generated over its
prime subfield, it has to have transcendence degree at least 1,
hence contain k(t), where k is a finite field and t is an indeterminate.
If F were perfect, it would contain all p-power roots of t, hence it
wouldn't be finitely generated over F_p.

 -- William

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