On Nov 26, 2008, at 9:10 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

> heebie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks a lot for your help. I just have a few questions, if you
>> wouldn't mind.
>> 1) Can I just send the http requests to sagenb.org, or will I have to
>> host the notebook myself?
> I don't know; I haven't used that http protocol myself.  You could try
> it, though.

Yes, you could. If you're actually going to run a server, it would  
probably be good to set up your own, as sagenb.org is more for people  
to try out Sage.


which will return something like

{ "session": "3ef9514f4c872d92b287b8489d82fdfe" } ___S_A_G_E___

 From then on you use session to authenticate. To run a computation, do


which returns

{ "status": "done", "files": [], "cell_id": 2 } ___S_A_G_E___ 4

Note that the code in the needs to be escaped, i.e. if I wrote "2+2"  
the + gets interpreted as a space, and sage would get "2 2" which is  
a syntax error.

session=3ef9514f4c872d92b287b8489d82fdfe&code= factor(2^125-1)

{ "status": "done", "files": [], "cell_id": 3 } ___S_A_G_E___ 31 *  
601 * 1801 * 269089806001 * 4710883168879506001

One can then do


{ "status": "done", "files": ["sage0.png"], "cell_id": 4 } ___S_A_G_E___

and get the image via


Note that if the computation takes more than a second or two, it will  
return immediately with a "computing" status. One can then query for  
the result later, or set timeout parameters, etc. For more examples,  
see the top of http://hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/8b1d19463fc4/ 

>> 2) What exactly are the security implications, and are they for the
>> site hosting the notebook or the site sending the http requests? I
>> note that in that most recent link you gave me to another discussion,
>> some guy said that he closed his calculator down after security
>> concerns (a discussion which, by the way, I don't really understand)
> Basically, anyone that can run an arbitrary Sage command can also  
> access
> a command line on the system as the user running Sage.  This means  
> that
> unless you've somehow locked down that account (the account that is
> executing the Sage command), you are basically granting every user a
> normal account on your computer.
> Currently some ways to deal with this are setting up a virtual server
> (so the system-wide access is contained inside the virtual machine),
> setting up very restricted user accounts (but you need to know what  
> you
> are doing in Linux to do that).  Another thing you can do is parse the
> command that the user enters so that "bad" commands are never  
> executed.
>   This can be tricky, though.  The other thread currently going on in
> the sage-devel mailing list that I pointed out talks about doing this
> this way.  I think this is how webMathematica works; it makes sure  
> that
> the only commands executed are from a specific list of "safe"  
> commands.

Letting the user execute commands, and trying to make sure they're  
safe, is fraught with security issues. Letting the user specify  
input, and then *you* acting on that input (as the author of the  
iterative we page) via a fixed number of commands, is a much easier  
task. (One also needs to make sure that there aren't security  
problems in parsing the input).

Hosting it all in a virtual server is a bug plus too.

>> 3) Will I need to learn Python?
> Sage is based on python, which means whenever you are doing  
> anything in
> Sage, you are doing things in Python.  It's really easy to pick up
> Python and will make you much more effective in Sage if you understand
> Python better.

If you want improve the Sage side of things, then yes, but to use it  
it's not a necessity (though not too hard and a rather good idea  

- Robert

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