On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:15 PM, M. Yurko <myu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure, here are some examples of what I did:
> #First, and example of the bug
> Ei(20)
> Output: 25615646.4145 + 6.28318530718*I #it should instead be just
> 25615646.4145
> Ei(19)
> Output: 9950907.25105 #the error doesn't occur here
> -exponential_integral_1(-20).n(digits=50)
> Output: 25615652.664056588 #here the bug doesn't occur, although the
> code for exponential_integral_1  loses a lot of accuracy by converting
> the number returned from PARI into a float, so i has much less
> accuracy
> -pari(-20).eint1().n(digits = 50)
> Output: 2.5615652664056588773746625520288944244384765625000e7 #here
> the full accuracy from PARI is preserved
> #the following shows the difference in the speed of the two methods
> #the current implementation
> %time
> for i in srange (1,10^6):
>    num = Ei(10)
> Output: CPU time: 51.64 s,  Wall time: 51.81 s
> #the time of PARI's implementation
> %time
> for i in srange (1,10^6):
>    num = pari(-i).eint1()
> Output: CPU time: 20.12 s,  Wall time: 20.32 s
> #PARI's implementation seems to be more than twice as fast

A quick remark: The Pari Ei only works with *real* input, whereas the
scipy one works with complex input.

And yes, somebody should make a trac ticket, then report this
upstream.  And the Sage function will have to fixed in the meantime or
at least as a bare minimum have a big comment at the top explaining
that there is a bug.

 -- William

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