On Dec 26, 6:22 am, H.S.Rai <hardeep....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Alex Ghitza <aghi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,


> > I am unable to reproduce the error you obtained.  Here is what I get in
> > 3.2.2:
> Mine is SAGE Version 3.1.4, Release Date: 2008-10-20
> The complete sage code is below signature. I don't think version will
> be issue, as I am doing very basic things.

Well, bugs are fixed all the time, so a two months old version can be
quite outdated.

> Please see if code below work fine for abc.n(digits=5)

It blows up for me in 3.2.2, so this is a bug.

> With regards,
> --
> H.S.Rai



> ====================================
> var('b,D,d,Ast,barTdia,barTno')
> var('f_ck,f_y,f_s,epsilon_c,epsilon_s,E_s,proofStrain')
> var('dPrimeT,l,w_s,uw_c,P,gamma_ms,gamma_mc,gamma_f')
> var('x_u')
> var('k_1, k_2')
> f_av = k_1*f_ck
> epsilon_c = .0035
> epsilon_sMin = f_y/gamma_ms/E_s + proofStrain
> E_s = RealNumber('200e3')
> C = b*x_u*f_av
> A_st = pi/Integer(4)*barTdia**Integer(2)*barTno
> T = A_st*f_s
> eqStrainComp = epsilon_s/(d - x_u) == epsilon_c/x_u
> eqStrainCompSol = solve(eqStrainComp,x_u)
> epsilon_sMin = f_y/gamma_ms/E_s + proofStrain
> eqEquilibH = C == T
> eqEquilibHSol = solve(eqEquilibH,x_u)
> xuAct = eqEquilibHSol[0].rhs()
> b = 250; D = 500; dPrimeT = 50; barTdia = 16; barTno = 4;
> l = 6; f_ck = 20; f_y = 250; uw_c = 25; proofStrain = .002;
> gamma_ms = 1.15; gamma_mc = 1.5; gamma_f = 1.5;
> k_1 = 0.36; k_2 = .42;
> f_s = f_y / gamma_ms;
> d = D - dPrimeT
> epsilon_s = epsilon_sMin
> xuActCal = xuAct(f_s=217.39, barTdia=16, barTno=4, b=250, k_1=0.359,f_ck=20)
> x_ul = eqStrainCompSol[0].rhs()
> x_ulCal = x_ul(d=d,epsilon_s = epsilon_sMin)
> abc = x_ulCal
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