> The patch makes it so that u=x^2 works, where it didn't before (it gave
> you that weird string).  What changes is that typing u='x^2' now
> literally puts 'x^2' (with the quote marks) in the input box, whereas
> before the patch, only x^2 (without quote marks) would show up in the
> input box.
> In short, the patch fixes your original complaint.  However, it changes
> how strings are handled when specified as default values.

I see. I should point out again that u=x^2 worked fine in the very
recent past.  Is there no way to get that both 'x^2' (for presumably
lots of code exists that used that; a cursory look at the Wiki reveals
at last a few with "x^2" or 'x^2') and x^2 (the obvious thing, which
most wiki examples use) *both* work as intended?  I ask out of

- kcrisman
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