Hi David,

I believe that the answer is yes.  There is an optional package called
database_kohel, which is a database of various types of modular polynomials,
gathered by David Kohel.  You can add it to your Sage install as usual by

sage -i database_kohel-20060803

After that, you get access to these polynomials as follows:

Classical modular polynomials:

sage: C = ClassicalModularPolynomialDatabase()
sage: f = C[29]
sage: f.degree()
sage: f.coefficient([28, 28])

Atkin modular polynomials:

sage: A = AtkinModularPolynomialDatabase()
sage: f = A[29]
sage: f.degree()
sage: f
x^30 - x^29*j + 714*x^29 + 29*x^28*j + 175653*x^28 - 319*x^27*j +
16216684*x^27 + 1421*x^26*j + 340795182*x^26 + 580*x^25*j + 3339922344*x^25
- 26680*x^24*j + 18681529256*x^24 + 53679*x^23*j + 65190964932*x^23 +
189399*x^22*j + 145746939921*x^22 - 622398*x^21*j + 193096339978*x^21 -
853818*x^20*j + 79225176183*x^20 + 3427365*x^19*j - 213842083608*x^19 +
3592085*x^18*j - 434696047201*x^18 - 10954634*x^17*j - 278856446718*x^17 -
14041394*x^16*j + 154093039581*x^16 + 18871083*x^15*j + 391233115204*x^15 +
37142939*x^14*j + 212930064261*x^14 - 9216142*x^13*j - 78041237118*x^13 -
54103270*x^12*j - 159006324329*x^12 - 19207947*x^11*j - 71430269112*x^11 +
38397537*x^10*j + 10575486927*x^10 + 31795426*x^9*j + 31231369098*x^9 -
9708910*x^8*j + 17209092681*x^8 - 19103721*x^7*j + 1339615908*x^7 -
2357613*x^6*j - 3310173216*x^6 + 5229135*x^5*j - 2067026040*x^5 +
1754181*x^4*j - 591595650*x^4 - 570024*x^3*j + 73993500*x^3 - 281880*x^2*j +
118918125*x^2 + 12150*x*j + j^2 + 41006250*x + 6750*j + 11390625

There is also a DedekindEtaModularPolynomialDatabase, with the same syntax
as the others.  If I read the Magma documentation correctly, this is what
they call canonical modular polynomials (maybe David Kohel can correct me
here, if I'm wrong).  In fact, Magma's commands also use databases, and I
think they are the same as the ones in Sage's optional package.


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 9:37 AM, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm wondering if the analog of the following Magma commands
> exist in Sage yet:
> ClassicalModularPolynomial, CanonicalModularPolynomial,
> AtkinModularPolynomial.
> The modular polynomil $H_N$ has the property that
> $H_N(x,y)= 0$ describes (an affine patch of) $X_0(N)$.
> (I'm trying to remove all mention of Magma from a paper
> I wrote long ago http://arxiv.org/abs/math.NT/0403548
> and this question arose from that.)
> Thanks,
> David JOyner
> >

Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne --
Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/

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