thank you for you quick answers! it works. but my example in my
previous mail was only a simplification of my real problem. your
answer works fine with my simplification. but I am not shure what to
do with my original problem. I want to plot a function of two
variables, but with one variable fixed. I have

def g(f,s):
    (quiet long here with a lot of cases...)

and I want to plot for example


the answer of sage is again

TypeError: no way to make fast_float from None

I think this is a similar problem. but I cannot call it with
plot(g(x,48,51), since than it is not clear what variable to use !?

regards, steffi

Quoting Jason Grout <>:

> Oliver Block wrote:
>> Dear Stefanie,
>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:55:27AM +0100, Stefanie Schmidt wrote:
>> [...]
>>> G=plot(h(f), 0, 20)
>> Although I am not a sage expert, I would say, you want the
>> following:
>> G=plot(h, 0, 20)
>> Do not give an argument to h.
> Yes, that is correct.  When someone calls plot(h(f), 0, 20), then h is
> evaluated at  f first, so if f was 10, then plot(h(f), 0, 20) is exactly
> the same as plot(0, 0, 20).  In order to call h with the numeric values
> between 0 and 20, you need to pass the *function* h, not the output of
> evaluating the function at f.
> Things would work differently if h was a symbolic expression, rather
> than a python function.  For example:
> h(x) = sin(x)
> plot(h(x), (x, 0, 20))
> or
> plot(h, 0, 20)
> would both give the expected plot, because h(x) is sin(x) (i.e., a
> function, not a number), and h is the function x |--> sin(x).
> Jason
> >

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