On Feb 23, 10:42 am, mark mcclure <mcmcc...@unca.edu> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 1:17 pm, dr <dprangel...@gmail.com> wrote:


> > I am considering using SAGE for instruction in the classroom for come
> > courses.  However, I use an OS 10.5 Intel Mac for preparing materials
> > and want to have a local installation of SAGE to work on worksheets
> > for class and to have as backup in case the server is ever down or I
> > have limited network access in class.
> > However, I downloaded and installed SAGE 3.2.3 as instructed and
> > followed the previous posts on this forum regarding a common runtime
> > error: "Unable to start maxima".  Has anyone resolved this issue?  
> This looks like the issue I was having and Michael Abshoff fixed it
> in the latest release, which is 3.3.

Nope, so far I only opened a ticket :)

>  I don't think that will be
> released
> in binary but the source code is available, if you can build it.
> Supposedly, 3.4 will be out soon.

Yes, but I doubt either one will help here. The issue has not been
fixed yet, but you can read the whole story at


This is probably the same issue Mark reported at the end of that
thread. To quote his solution [you can ignore the bit about the app
bundle since it does not apply to 3.2.3]:

I finally got Sage.app working.  Still there seems
something a bit odd about the fix.  I had, in my home
directory, a .maxima directory with a file named
maxima-init.mac that sets certain maxima preferences.
Once I deleted this file, everything worked fine.  As I
understand it though, the sage directory is supposed to be
independent of the rest of the system.  Evidently, the
latest version of sage is reading information from my
home directory.  My old sage (v3.0.1) runs fine without
removing the file, however.
The two lines in the maxima-init file were exactly the

set_plot_option([gnuplot_term, aqua]);
set_plot_option([gnuplot_pipes_term, aqua]);

Of course, now I can no longer plot from my standalone
copy of maxima. :)
[end quote]

So if you have such a custom Maxima file you might consider moving it
out of the way and try again.

If this does not work for you please post the output from

 ./sage -maxima

to debug this further.

It would also be a good idea to check that the binary you downloaded
is indeed the OSX 10.5 one and not the 10.4, even though the 10.4
binary tends to also work on 10.5.

> Mark McClure


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