Hi Michael,

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:27 AM, mabshoff
<michael.absh...@mathematik.uni-dortmund.de> wrote:


> Note that everybody is welcome to help Minh out with this and Martin
> Albrecht did do so for the Sage 3.3 release tour as seen in
>  http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-3.3?action=info
> I think that any "big feature" or important fix should automatically
> be accomplished by a snipped in wiki text to be added to the release
> tour.
> There are some important things missing from the list of changes, i.e.
> fixes to the S-integral point counting code to name one, but given 385
> tickets closed against 3.3 this can hardly be blamed on Minh :). What
> I will try to do in the future is to create stub entires in the
> current Sage release tour for tickets I consider important, so
> hopefully this will be less likely to happen.

Thanks in advance for alerting me to important features in future
milestones. A lot of the time, I would have no ideal how important a
patch is until I finally read your release note.

>>  This afternoon
>> (Australian time) I took the wiki page as base and fleshed out my blog
>> post. The beautiful post that you saw took me an afternoon to format.
> Yep, this should make a great impact since it is too hard for many
> people not too tightly involved with the development process to
> distill the changes from the ticket list and figure out what is
> important and what not. Many of the ticket summaries are also hard to
> understand without insider knowledge.
> And in general: the more pretty pictures we have the better it is :)

Point taken. I'll keep that in mind.

Minh Van Nguyen

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