
> I would build from source except I that ASUS does not make it simple
> to install gcc and make and the like.  Is it possible to build from
> source from my desktop running 32bit Ubuntu so that it works on Atom
> Xandros, and if so, how?

well, I also have EEE 901 and it's not that hard after all to install
build-essential tools, you can follow that simple how-to:
http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:installingdevelopmenttools - there are
also other tips: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/#sources_for_software not
mentioning that http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ is really good source of
information about your eee... also - in all this they say "add debian
repository"... the problem is most repos today are updated and not
binary compatible - I find
http://mirrors.uol.com.br/pub/debian/pool/main/ really good, binary
compatible repo with EeeOS 1.6 (I'm 99.999% sure that the version you
have also, or something like 1.6.1 or so, depending when your machine
went out from factory). Good luck :)


ps.: watch out on temperature during build of sage, it takes quite
some time on this little machine even in "super performance" mode,
after all it's just 1.6GHz then... it have sensor you just have to
modprobe it, look for temperature on wiki linked above and monitor it
from time to time... iirc it's not good for it to go over 80 C-degrees
and dangerous above 90 (was it 92 that Intel put in specification?
maybe cpu will deal with it, but I would worry about plastic case :P),
while I try to keep it under 70 in stress by taking it outside for
some small while if you are lucky enough to have low temperature
outside :)

oh - and if you run out of space so you cannot install build-essential
and don't want to remove unionfs, you can merge those two partitions
and get space back and ability to restore to not factory default but
to latests your own working version with all software installed, it
includes a bit of playing with rescue mode and rsync, but is doable -
but let's not spam this list with EEE related things, you can ask for
details there: 
- where I asked about this and finally found solution after some time
of looking around :)

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