On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
>> > On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 at 10:45PM -0800, Alex Lara wrote:
>> >> *** - invalid byte #xC3 in CHARSET:ASCII conversion
> Try this: change the environment variable LC_CTYPE
> e.g. LC_CTYPE=ES_es or LC_CTYPE=ES_es.UTF-8 or something
> like that. Or maybe somehow indicated ISO 8859-1 or Latin-1 or
> something. Then Clisp might know how to decode the offending bytes.
> Another tactic: put the following in your $HOME/.clisprc file.
>  (format t "HELLO FROM CLISPRC~%")
>  (ignore-errors
>    (progn (setf custom:*default-file-encoding*
>                         (ext:make-encoding :input-error-action #\?))
>                   (setf custom:*terminal-encoding*
>                         custom:*default-file-encoding*)))
> That replaces undecodable bytes by '?' characters.
> (The "hello" message is just to verify the code is loaded ....)
>> That's a good guess.  There is a known major bug in Maxima + clisp where
>> it totally fails to work if there are certain non-ascii characters in the
>> filenames in the current directory or PATH.  I can't wait until clisp isn't
>> in Sage.
> The bad news is that it's not exactly a Clisp idiosyncrasy.
> Clisp is trying to "do the right thing" when faced with undecodable
> bytes.
> Unfortunately the Common Lisp spec, while it recognizes the
> existence of character encoding issues, doesn't specify what to do
> when a byte can't be decoded to a character. Other Lisp
> implementations
> probably have their own ways to handle it.
> Robert Dodier

Many thanks for the workarounds above!  We may be able to at least
automate them for Sage, which would be a step forward.

That said -- I'm really looking forward to Sage switching to Maxima + ECL.


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