1) I am using sage 3.2.3, which was current when I installed it in
January.  It was convenient for me to compile it from scratch, but it
then takes a long time to install.

2) Here is my sage code.  The program estimates the probability of
ever getting a 6-way tie if you repeatedly roll a die and count the
number of times that you get each result.

n = 100
s = 0.
for k in xrange(1,n+1):
    t = float(factorial(6*k)/factorial(k)^6/6^(6*k))
    s += t
    print k,s,float(t),t*float(k)^(2.5)
c = sqrt(6.)*float(2*pi)^(-2.5)
print "Limit by Stirling's approx:",c
tu = 2*c/3.*float(n)^(-1.5)
print "Tail upper bound:",tu
s += tu
print "Total upper bound:",s
print "Estimate for chance ever:",s/(1.+s)

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