Thank you Timothy.  Here is the correct (I believe) code for that

def units(C, n, F, r):
    return sum([C / (1 + r) ^ t for t in range(1, n+1)]) + F / (1 + r)
^ n

def price(C, n, F, r):
    return 100 * (units(C, n, F, r) / F)

Here, units expresses the equation I linked to, and price gives the
scaled price, 100 being par.

For example, evaluating the expression below demonstrates the example
calculation from this site:


That evaluates to ~950 as in the example, therefore giving a price of


And sure enough, plotting the price yield curve gives sensible

Now I would like to make a 3d plot where n and r are free.  The
trouble is, when I try it, I get the following error.  Would someone
point out my error?


TypeError: range() integer start argument expected, got

Thanks, Brian

On Apr 3, 7:03 pm, Timothy Clemans <> wrote:
> I'm not 100% sure but I think it would look something like
> def maturity_formula(C, P, r):
>     return sum([C / (1 + r) ^ t + F / (1 + r) ^ n for t in range(1, n+1)])
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Brian <> wrote:
> > I was hoping to get help with using SAGE to plot this equation:
> >
> > This is the yield to maturity formula, expressing that a bond's price
> > is the sum of the present values of its future cash flows.
> > P = price of the bond
> > n = number of periods
> > C = coupon payment
> > r = required rate of return on this investment
> > F = maturity value
> > t = time period when payment is to be received
> > All variables are fixed except P and r, so my plot will be the
> > function P(r).
> > Once this is working, my next goal is to unfix n and have it vary on
> > the z axis.
> > A more basic question that could get me started is, how do I express
> > that summation?
> > Thanks, Brian
> > (Source:
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