On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Todd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I understand the design decisions for the monolothic design of Sage.
>> However,  I'd like to carve out some pieces of it to use as a regular
>> python extensions without the sage preprocessor, specifically the
>> Basic algebra and calculus.
> Currently, the dependancies for basic calculus are still quite huge.
> There is some intent (work?) to extract the wrappers (expect
> interfaces) from the core library.
>> So the root question is:  how do I go about finding maxima and it's
>> python wrappers so I can compile it for regular python.  Opening the
>> source tarball has everything as spkg 's  .
> An spkg is simply a bzip tar file, so you can do
> tar xvjf maxima-5.16.3.spkg
> and it will "unzip" the contents of the file. (Not sure how to do
> this from a windows machine, but perhaps changing the extension to
> ".tar.bzip2" and double-clicking might work.) All the interfaces are
> in the sage-3.x.y.spkg.
> - Robert

Also, you should check out the new "SPD" project, which is based on Sage, but
more lightweight.



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