I tried

import numpy
metdata = numpy.loadtxt('C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\BIOEN 301\Lab 1\AH
\' + 'base.txt',dtype='S17')
metdata.std(axis=None, dtype=None)

Syntax error?


On Apr 7, 4:49 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Stan Schymanski <schym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear Andrew,
> > Perhaps this may help:
> > sage: import numpy
> > sage: metdata = numpy.loadtxt(pathname + 'filename.txt',dtype='S17')
> > where pathname is a text string with the path to the file and
> > 'filename.txt' needs to be replaced with the file name.
> > dtype='S17' means that you expect up to 17 characters of data in each
> > column. This will read your file as a numpy array containing text. You
> > can then examine the file and re-import it with the proper dtype option
> > to read it in as e.g. floats. After 'import numpy', you can simply write
> > numpy.loadtxt? to find out about the other options. Numpy also provides
> > all sorts of useful data analysis tools. Find out about them by typing
> > numpy. and <Tab> in the notebook.
> > Good luck!
> > Stan
> Also, the std method on a numpy array will give you the root mean
> square.  See, e.g., this page:
> http://www.hjcb.nl/python/Arrays.html
> William
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