On Apr 21, 1:40 am, Minh Nguyen <nguyenmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > But it would be much easier to have ONE key.  In Maple, the RETURN key
> > will cause evaluation, and in Mathematica the ENTER key.

> That statement about Mathematica is very strange to me. With an
> install of Mathematica 6 out of the box and not fiddling with
> anything, I have to use Shift-ENTER or Shift-RETURN to evaluate in the
> worksheet. But I assume that you've done some fiddling with your
> Mathematica settings to get it just evaluate upon hitting ENTER or

Are you on a mac?

I've done no fiddling. On windows, if one hits the ENTER key in
Mathematica, the cell is evaluated.

The ENTER key is that key in the numeric keypad group, usually to the
right side of the keyboard. The RETURN key is that (usually) big key
in the main keyboard group.

RETURN is usually called CR (Carriage return) ascii code 13
ENTER is line feed , ascii code 10

After I wrote the above, I searched wikipedia, and there is a article
with pic which explains the difference. It seems from this article,
that this difference is not on all keyboards. I use standard PC
keyboard, and this is always how it worked.

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enter_key

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