As an example I multiplied the first terms of 2 Dirichlet powerseries. The result is also a Dirichlet powerserie, but how do I get the result in that shape?
sage: a(x) = sum([1/(n^x) for n in range(1,4)])
sage: b(x) = a(x)*a(x)
sage: print "a(x): ",a(x), "\nproduct: ", a(x)*a(x), "\nb(x): ", b(x).expand()
a(x):  1/2^x + 1/3^x + 1 
product:  (1/2^x + 1/3^x + 1)^2 
b(x):  2/2^x + 1/(2^x)^2 + 2/3^x + 2/(2^x*3^x) + 1/(3^x)^2 + 1
I like to get things like 2^x*3^x => 6^x and combine all n^x terms, as I'm only interested in the denominators of that terms.
The result should be:
1 + 2/2^x + 2/3^x + 3/4^x ...
each denominator is the number of divisors of the number in the nominator if you use enough terms in the original series.
Is that possible and of course how?

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