On Jun 16, 2009, at 6:16 PM, bonzerpotato wrote:

> Does anyone know how to deal with non-integer modulo arithmetic on
> sage? What about using mathematica?
> I'm referring to a situation such as, for p prime, q a p-th root of p,
> then dealing with an element a of K = Q(q) using
> a = n mod q, ie there exists x such that a = n + qx, (n<q, or some
> such statement involving norms)
> Any ideas?

How about

sage: p = 7
sage: K.<q> = QQ[p^(1/p)]
sage: q^p
sage: F.<qbar> = K.residue_field(q)
sage: F
Residue field of Fractional ideal (a)

Of course as p splits completely the residue field is always  
isomorphic to Z/pZ (with the obvious reduction map, as q * q^(p-1) ==  

- Robert

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