On Jun 22, 2009, at 6:01 AM, kcrisman wrote:

>>> I want that
>>> show(function) would give me just 1 precision digit after comma
>>> how could I achieve this?
>> You can use Python's string formatting:http://docs.python.org/ 
>> library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting
>> To get floating-point numbers to display with one decimal point, do
>> something like this:
>> sage: '%.2f' % pi
>> '3.14'
>> sage: '%.1f' % pi
>> '3.1'
>> sage: '%.6f' % pi
>> '3.141593'
>> See the Python documentation I linked to above for more details.
>> Dan
> It should be pointed out that for a while, maybe a couple releases at
> some point this past fall, something related to the OP's question was
> the default behavior - that is, floats only showed up to their last
> non-zero digit.  I think it was a patch from robertwb, but I'm not
> sure, and in any case it no longer is the case.  Does anybody know
> what happened to that?  I would really like that back, at least in
> things like interacts, but even if it was jettisoned for good reasons,
> it would be nice to know what happened.

Pre-pynac, all floating point numbers that were part of a symbolic  
expression were 53-bit. Now that they can be arbitrary precision  
(they are in fact wrapped Sage RealNumbers) the number of digits  
printed gives an indication of how many digits of precision are known.

- Robert

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