Hi William,

I do have XCode installed. I ran the command you suggested from the
sage directory. It appeared to compile successfully (see output
appended below). However, I still get the same error when running
sage. Again, %upgrade does not fix it. Any idea what is causing this
error? I'm not familiar enough with Python to know...


[my_computer]% sage -f libm4ri-20090617
Force installing libm4ri-20090617
Calling sage-spkg on libm4ri-20090617
You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or
run this script from the SAGE_ROOT or
SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory.
Darwin asosx27.physics.ox.ac.uk 9.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue
Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
Deleting directories from past builds of previous/current versions of
Extracting package /Volumes/Data/sage/spkg/standard/
libm4ri-20090617.spkg ...
-rw-r--r--@ 1 kingo  wheel  107 19 Jun 18:06 /Volumes/Data/sage/spkg/
Finished extraction
sage: After decompressing the directory libm4ri-20090617 does not
This means that the corresponding .spkg needs to be downloaded
http://www.sagemath.org//packages/optional/libm4ri-20090617.spkg -->
..... lots of stuff
Successfully installed libm4ri-20090617
Now cleaning up tmp files.
Making Sage/Python scripts relocatable...
Making script relocatable
Finished installing libm4ri-20090617.spkg

On Jun 23, 3:07 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Oliver<oliver.afr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Intel. The binary name was sage-4.0.2-OSX10.5-Intel-i386-Darwin.dmg
> If you have XCode installed, what happens if you do
> ./sage -f libm4ri-20090617
>  -- William
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