Here are the commands I used:

qq = [z for z in primes(100000,100000+100) if (z%12) == 11]
E = EllipticCurve(j=GF(qq[0])(1728))
# E has qq[0]+1 points over GF(qq[0])
P = ((qq[0]+1)//3)*E.random_element()
K = [E(0),P,-P]
phi = E.isogeny(K)
for i in xrange(20): timeit('phi(Q)')

On Aug 3, 7:41 pm, Minh Nguyen <> wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 8:29 AM, VictorMiller<> wrote:
> > I was trying to find out how fast a calculation was (applying an
> > isogeny of degree on an elliptic curve over
> > a finite field).  At first I noticed that when I repeated a timeit
> > call with the same expression I was getting monotonically increasing
> > numbers, so I decided to try something more systematic. I got the
> > following peculiar results on (just now).  The average
> > times keep getting longer and longer.  Could this be some bug in the
> > way that the calls to internal timer routines are used?
> >  phi = E.isogeny([E(0),P,-P])
> Just out of curiosity: How did you define E? I assume it's an elliptic
> curve. But what were the commands you used to define it?
> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen
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