Thanks for the effort of bringing pynifti (and pymvpa) avaliable.
For me (on Ubuntu 9,04, or Mac Leopard)

 $ sage -i pynifti-p0

unfortunately did not work directly. However,
downloading the sources  'pynifti_0.20090303.1.tar.gz' and
'pymvpa_0.4.2.tar.gz', then

$ sage -sh    and  $ make all   and   $ python install

in the unpacked directories of pynifti_...  and pymvpa_...  ,
works OK, i.e.

sage: import nifti
sage: import mvpa

On the Mac (Leopard)  I have problems with the nifticlib 1.1 library
(i.e. $SAGE_HOME/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
nifti/, 2): Symbol not found: _Xznzclose )
that must be installed before the punifti or pymvpa packages.

- Arvid Lundervold

On Aug 6, 4:28 pm, Marshall Hampton <> wrote:
> I have a proposed experimental pynifti package, tracked as ticket
> #6678:
> -Marshall
> On Aug 5, 10:23 pm, Marshall Hampton <> wrote:
> > Maybe this was some sort of path issue I don't understand, but when I
> > tried things again it seemed to work, i.e. if I go into my SAGE_ROOT
> > folder and use either sage or the sage python, the "import nifti"
> > works.  So what I described above seems to be sufficient, and this
> > could be made into an spkg.  I will give that a try tomorrow if I can
> > find the time.
> > -Marshall Hampton
> > On Aug 5, 10:12 pm, William Stein <> wrote:
> > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Marshall Hampton 
> > > <>wrote:
> > > > I gave this a shot but it seems its not trivial to install.
> > > > 1) I installed pymvpa with:
> > > > pymvpa-0.4.2: sage -python build_ext
> > > > 2) I installed the nifti c libraries with:
> > > > nifticlib-1.1.0: make all
> > > > 2b) then I copied everything in the bin, lib, and include directories
> > > > into the corresponding SAGE_LOCAL places.
> > > > 3) Then I tried to install pynifti but had trouble.  Going into a sage
> > > > shell:
> > > > pynifti-0.20090303.1: sage -sh
> > > > building with:
> > > > pynifti-0.20090303.1: python build
> > > > and installing with:
> > > > pynifti-0.20090303.1: python install
> > > > seems to go OK but when I try to test I get an error:
> > > > pynifti-0.20090303.1: sage -python
> > > > Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jul 16 2009, 10:01:32)
> > > > [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
> > > > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > > > >>> import nifti
> > > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > >  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> > > >  File "nifti/", line 21, in <module>
> > > >    from nifti.image import NiftiImage, MemMappedNiftiImage
> > > >  File "nifti/", line 27, in <module>
> > > >    import nifti.clib as ncl
> > > > ImportError: No module named clib
> > > > ...I'm not sure how to proceed.
> > > I recommend emailing the developers of pynifti and see if they care about
> > > getting it to install into Sage.    If so, obviously they could install 
> > > Sage
> > > and try the above, but with their added knowledge of pynifti, they might
> > > succeed...
> > >  -- William
> > > > This looks like a nice opportunity for Sage to become more relevant in
> > > > biomedical imaging.
> > > > -Marshall Hampton
> > > > On Aug 5, 1:46 pm, Harald Schilly <> wrote:
> > > > > On Aug 5, 8:36 pm, Arvid <> wrote:
> > > > > > Will it be possible to incorporate access to NIfTI and ANALYZE files
> > > > > > in SAGE through PyNIfTI (
> > > > > Hi, I can't access the sourceforge website right now, but it is "easy"
> > > > > to install additional python packages in sage. They don't need to be
> > > > > included or packaged. Just go into the "sage environment" with "sage -
> > > > > sh" and install the package there. Background: Sage has it's own
> > > > > python and you have to install it there, not system wide python
> > > > > installation.
> > > > > Your actual problem seems to be that additional C/C++ software is
> > > > > missing, it can be installed in the same way.
> > > > > And, I don't think this will be included in sage, soon. The general
> > > > > process is, to first create an experimental or optional package, that
> > > > > can be downloaded and installed. Once many users need it and after a
> > > > > voting it is included as a standard package.
> > > > > H
> > > --
> > > William Stein
> > > Associate Professor of Mathematics
> > > University of Washington
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