Hi John,

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 4:55 AM, jds<schulmanner...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using a local sage installation as my main python distribution, so
> I run "sage -sh" before doing any python work. If I download and
> install newer versions of the packages, e.g. networkx, which has some
> api changes in the new versions, will this possibly break my sage
> installation? Or does sage still call the older version?

One of the main ideas of Sage is that we ship all dependencies, or
most of them, in one tarball to ease installation, maintenance, and
debugging. You can (re)install any of the standard packages from the
standard packages repository


Such packages are extensively tested before each release so they won't
break your local Sage installation. The packages from optional
packages repository at


can also be installed, but some of them are not extensively tested
before each release mainly because of a shortage of maintainers and
time. Installing any packages from the optional repository usually
doesn't break your local Sage installation. And when you use such a
package from within a Sage session, chances are that it won't mess up
your Sage installation even if you encounter an error from that

Besides the standard and optional packages repositories, there is also
the experimental packages repository at


As the name suggests, these packages are experimental, haven't been
tested extensively and may break your Sage installation.

For any Python packages other than those in the standard, optional,
and experimental repositories, I cannot say with certainty that they
won't break your Sage installation. The current version of NetworkX
that is shipped with Sage is version 0.36. But that didn't stop me
from installing NetworkX version 0.99:

[mv...@sage networkx-0.99]$ ../sage-4.1.1-sage.math/sage -python
setup.py install

This newer version of NetworkX installed successful under my copy of
Sage; it's located in


whereas the one that is shipped with Sage is located in


But then I notice this:

sage: from networkx.[TAB]
networkx.adjlist         networkx.edgelist        networkx.multidigraph
networkx.algorithms      networkx.exception       networkx.multigraph
networkx.atlas           networkx.function        networkx.nx_pylab
networkx.bipartite       networkx.generators      networkx.nx_yaml
networkx.boundary        networkx.geometric       networkx.operators
networkx.centrality      networkx.gml             networkx.path
networkx.classes         networkx.gpickle         networkx.random_graphs
networkx.classic         networkx.graph           networkx.readwrite
networkx.clique          networkx.graphml         networkx.release
networkx.cluster         networkx.hybrid          networkx.search
networkx.component       networkx.info            networkx.sets
networkx.convert         networkx.isomorph        networkx.small
networkx.copy            networkx.isomorphism     networkx.sparsegraph6
networkx.core            networkx.isomorphvf2     networkx.spectrum
networkx.dag             networkx.labeleddigraph  networkx.tests
networkx.degree_seq      networkx.labeledgraph    networkx.threshold
networkx.digraph         networkx.layout          networkx.traversal
networkx.directed        networkx.leda            networkx.tree
networkx.distance        networkx.linalg          networkx.ubigraph
networkx.drawing         networkx.matching        networkx.utils

which is a mixture of the namespaces from both installed versions of
NetworkX. So in this case, installing a newer version of NetworkX into
SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/python is dangerous.

Minh Van Nguyen

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