The following sequence of commands in the notebook...

    x = var('x')
    n = var('n')
    integrate(x^n, x)

...results in "n+1" if I don't have the "Typeset" box checked, and if I
do have it checked, I sometimes get "\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}n
+ 1" and I sometimes get "n + 1", neatly typeset.

If I do something like "integrate(sin(n*x), x, 0, pi)", 
I get "nn" in either case (although with typesetting, the n's are

In a terminal, everything works fine. This is with version 4.1 on
Ubuntu. What on earth is happening here?

(I am teaching some basic Fourier series stuff this semester, so I
*need* to be able to integrate stuff with sin(n*x) and cos(n*x) in the
notebook, so I can publish the worksheets for students!)


---  Dan Drake <drake at kaist dot edu>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences

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