Yes, the parsing of output from maxima is currently pretty messed up.
I think its fair to say that symbolic ODEs are a real weak point in
Sage right now.  I'm not sure when I will have enough time to devote
to really fixing this; my main interest is in using them to teach and
I am not an expert on the CAS side of things.

One place on trac this is addressed is:

but I think we need someone to do a total redesign at some point.

-Marshall Hampton

On Oct 3, 7:14 am, David Joyner <> wrote:
> This is a known bug. Marshall and I tried to fix it during a SageDays in
> Seattle but failed to figure out the magic in Robert Bradshaw's code
> for desolve. I think it is "easy to fix for those who know how to fix it
> easily", but that rules me out:-)
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 3:30 AM, <> wrote:
> > Dear sage users and developers
> > trying to solve y''+4y=0  with initial conditions y(0)=0 and y'(0)=0
> > y=function('y',x)
> > eq=diff(y,x,2)+4*y==0
> > desolve(eq,y,ics=[0,0,0])
> > sage returns y(0)*cos(2*x)  and not 0
> > What is wrong? The help for the desolve command shows the same
> > behavior on slighhtly more complicated example. I think that if I
> > state initial condition at 0, then y(0) is known and I can use this
> > knowledge and simplify answer - in my case into 0
> > Thanks
> > Robert
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