yotama9 wrote:
> Hello.
> I have several files of data that I want to merge into a single array
> and then manipulate it (adding a single column to all the column
> etc.)
> Each file is constructed of two columns. I want to take the columns of
> the first file and add to the the second column of each file.
> Is there a way to do so?

Personally, I would use numpy and numpy.loadtxt for this sort of thing:

sage: !cat file1
2 3
1 0
3 10
sage: !cat file2
23 29
20 21
3  -19
sage: import numpy
sage: a=numpy.loadtxt('file1')
sage: a

array([[  2.,   3.],
        [  1.,   0.],
        [  3.,  10.]])
sage: b=numpy.loadtxt('file2')
sage: b

array([[ 23.,  29.],
        [ 20.,  21.],
        [  3., -19.]])
sage: a+b

array([[ 25.,  32.],
        [ 21.,  21.],
        [  6.,  -9.]])


Jason Grout

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