On Dec 3, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Gennaro Alphonse wrote:

> Thanks for your valuable response, and the problem is not printing the
> array, more well is to calculate it. Now another question is that sage
> seems only supports to calculate matrix of size 2047 x 2047. When I
> want to calculate matrix of 2048 x 2048, sage sends me a message of
> error allocating memory,  and i require matrix of a minum size 3000 x
> 3000.
> What I can do in this case? If there's no solution to this, do you
> know another software that supports this sizes of matrix?

People routinely use matrices larger than this in Sage. Works fine for  

sage: m = matrix(ZZ, 3000, 3000)
sage: m
3000 x 3000 dense matrix over Integer Ring

The only limit that I know of for *dense* matrices is 4294967296 rows/ 
columns on 32-bit machines, (18446744073709551616 on 64-bit machines),  
and the memory constraints (which wouldn't let you have that many  
elements anyways).

You're probably actually running out of memory. Did you check that?  
What exact command are you trying to run that fails?

- Robert

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