On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:23:43 +0100
Paul Zimmermann <paul.zimmerm...@loria.fr> wrote:

> is there a way in Sage to convert expressions involving trigonometric
> or hyperbolic functions to exponentials, like the convert/exp
> function of Maple?
> > convert(sinh(log(t)),exp);
>                                           1
>                                    t/2 - ---
>                                          2 t
> > convert(cos(log(t)),exp);  
>                      1/2 exp(ln(t) I) + 1/2 exp(-I ln(t))

No, AFAIK, nothing other than explicit substitution with .subs().

Implementing these shouldn't be too hard given the rewriting
capabilities of pynac. The problem is to provide an intuitive
user interface. 

Francois Maltey had some good suggestions for this. Putting these up on
the wiki has been on my todo list for quite some time, but I never
managed to find the time. I'd be glad to forward the relevant emails to
anyone interested in taking over this project.


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