Why does Sage not solve the equation? (The quadratic equation is just a test.)

sage: x,y,a,b = var('x, y, a, b')
sage:  solve([x - 2*y == a,  x + 3*y == b],[x,y]);
sage: solve([x^2 + a*x + b == 0],x)
[x == -1/2*a - 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b), x == -1/2*a + 1/2*sqrt(a^2 - 4*b)]
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],[x,y]);
sage:  solve([x - 2*y - a == 0,  x + 3*y -b == 0],x,y);

Maxima delivers the solution:

                             2 b + 3 a        a - b
(%o2)                   [[x = ---------, y = - -----]]
                                 5              5

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