On Tue, 8 Jun 2010 12:33:38 +0100, Anne Driver <annedrive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I did read the documentation. It says it returns the imaginary part.
> But there is no I - just a real number. As such I believe at the *very least
> * the documentation should say it returns the imaginary part as a real
> number. Better still is to return the imaginary part with an I in front of
> it.

I don't have strong opinions about the matter, but I'd like to point out
that the imaginary part of a complex number *is* just a real number 
(if z = x + i*y, the imaginary part is y, without the i).  So the
documentation is correct about this. 


Alex Ghitza -- http://aghitza.org/
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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