Sorry for posting twice. I just noticed that
my first message got through all right, though I did
not receive it myself! Is this a common behaviour
of google groups?


On Jul 11, 2:21 pm, Johannes <> wrote:
> Is there a way to change default settings of the show()
> method for 2D plots? According to the reference manual,
> such a feature does exist for 3D plots through the commands
> from sage.plot.plot3d.base import SHOW_DEFAULTS
> SHOW_DEFAULTS['frame']=False
> They set the default value of frame to False
> for the 3D show() method. Indeed, the commands
> var('t,u,v')
> cubic=t*(u^2+v^2+1)-u*v
> S=implicit_plot3d(cubic==0,(t,-3,3),(u,-3,3),(v,-3,3))
> then result in a nice cubic surface being displayed
> without frames; no need to type
> However, for 2D plots, this feature does not seem to
> be available, or did I miss something?
> Johan

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