Hi all,
I'm forwarding this message to sage-support as well, because I could
get no support on sage-notebook. I hope you don't consider this as
spam, I would just like to hear some comments. Eventually I'll try on
sage-devel :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maurizio <maurizio.gran...@gmail.com>
Date: 3 Ago, 19:26
Subject: Console and editor in the notebook
To: sage-notebook

Hi all,
I'd like to kindly ask for some support.
I'd like to try an experiment with the notebook. My aim is to create a
new python function, something like:


which would open a new browser windows (like a popup), which contains
two main elements which are fixed in the html layout:
1) a file editor, containing the filename specified (let's say, a
script named "my_script.sage") which is opened, or created if not
existing, into the DATA folder of the worksheet; it provides syntax
highlighting and (possibly) tab-completion
2) an interactive console, composed of a one-line input and some lines
of output, like if it were a live sage session opened. it should also
provide facilities like tab-completion. That console should be
attached to the same SAGE session opened in the worksheet where the
"file_editor" command has been called, so have the same globals, etc..

The problem is: I know how to open a popup, and I used the edit mode
of the file attached to the notebook as a template for having a box
with syntax highlighting using codemirror (so the necessary javascript
library is already there). I don't know how to create a simil-console
in the way I descripted it: I would like to keep it quite simple, so I
don't know if it is possible to create something like a single-line
cell, and how to send the input to the SAGE console and to get the
result back. Moreover, I don't know how to reach the same SAGE session
that is operating in the calling worksheet. Can you help me with this?
I had a look at the notebook_lib.js file, but I am not sure which
methods to focus on.

Regarding the editor, where do I find the "save" methods already
present in the notebook? Moreover, I'd like to have a couple of
buttons with the editor (I know how to make a toolbar, by the way),
which are:
1) save file (shortcut F5)
2) save file and run it (shortcut, maybe CTRL+F5)
3) run selected code in the console (shortcut F9)
... something similar to this

Finally, I'm considering to also show the output of the console (or
that of the script), as the output of the cell in the original

Thanks for any kind of support. If you can point me to something
similar already existing, or to some specific documentation, I'll be
happy. I already had a look 
I'm wondering if there's some similar doc for existing javascript



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