On 9/8/10 8:39 PM, KvS wrote:
Thanks all, however I am not very successful so far :(.

I tried both options mentioned before:

- only optimize the loops in Cython and keep using symbolic
expressions/infinite precision, but this is unfortunately rather
- fully optimize in Cython by turning to doubles everywhere, although
it gets very fast here happens what I was already afraid of: the
algorithm goes belly up after 15 steps :( (I would need a lot more
steps). In step 14 values like 2.51885860e-34 appear and in
combination with the numerical noise gathered this turns out to
produce very wrong values at the next step.

@Robert: I'm trying to implement an algorithm that computes a sequence
of functions v_k according to the rule v_k(x) = \max \{ K-e^x, \int
v_{k-1}(y) p(x+y) dy \}, v_0(x)=K-e^x, where p is a prob. density. The
background is an optimal stopping problem in stochastics. So at each
step I essentially first compute the integral and then determine where
the integral and x ->  K-e^x intersect, this just by the basic
find_root function in Sage.

It's not difficult (however very annoying...) to write down a formula
for the integral (given the specific density p I'm using) and work out
formulae for all the coefficients that appear in this formula for the
integral in terms of those appearing in v_{k-1}. The number of
coefficients (and hence computations) involved in the formula for v_k
increases very quickly with k, that explains why the algorithm gets
slow in 'symbolic mode'. However 'double mode' is not good enough as
mentioned above.

I will try your suggestion for using mpfr, thanks Robert and Greg!
(however it looks a bit scary to me ;)). I need to store the huge
amounts of coefficients somewhere, I guess numpy is my best guess even
though I have to declare the dtype as object then, no?

One of the things you might do is use RR (which is based on mpfr), and when you need to do a sequence of calculations really fast, reach in to the RR number, do stuff using mpfr, and then create a new RR number with the new multiprecision result. The RR _add method shows how to do this, for example:

        cdef RealNumber x
        x = self._new()
mpfr_add(x.value, self.value, (<RealNumber>other).value,(<RealField_class>self._parent).rnd)
        return x

Notice how it creates a new real number x, does something using mpfr to manipulate the mpfr value, but then returns the RR number.

You can find lots more examples in devel/sage/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx



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