
I am interested in computing orbits of vectors in a vector space using

More specifically, the vector space is equipped with a inner product
given by a certain Coxeter group (B_4 for those interested...).

Then, I compute some image using my defined reflections operation. At
some point, I should stumble upon a vector that I've already seen or
it's negative, but there is a very small difference between the image
and my original vectors.

Here is the simplified code:

First, the definition of a reflection along a reflection_vector of a
sage: def Sigma(reflection_vector,vector_reflected):
...           return

Then I define my vector space:
sage: V=VectorSpace(RR,2,inner_product_matrix=[[1, -sqrt(2)/2], [-
sqrt(2)/2, 1]])

And here is the computations:

sage: a,b = V.basis()
sage: r1=Sigma(a,b);r1
(1.41421356237310, 1.00000000000000)
sage: r2=Sigma(r1,a);r2
(-1.00000000000000, -1.41421356237310)
sage: r3=Sigma(r2,r1);r3
(-6.66133814775094e-16, -1.00000000000000)

Why isn't the first coordinate 0??? In theory it should be... I tried
to find where the approximation error comes from, but I wasn't

Does someone have an idea??

J-P Labbé

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