yea. it's connected. i tried the spanning trees too, but I had to look
ob how the trees differ, depending on how they are build.

I've just one small (opticial) problem remaining.
if I plot the tree all vertices are ordert on each level but beacause of
this many lines are crossing. I dont need to have them sorted, but it
would be nice to have as less as possible edges crossing.

greatz Johannes

Am 05.02.2011 16:02, schrieb Luiz Felipe Martins:
> Oh, I was imprecise. If it has no loops, it is a forest. So you have to get
> a spanning tree for each component.
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Luiz Felipe Martins <
>> wrote:
>> Sorry, I didn't get the beginning of the thread, but if you need the graph
>> without loops, it is a tree. So, you can compute a maximal spanning tree of
>> the graph, and see if you get the whole graph together. This will also tell
>> you what edges to remove, if the graph is not a tree. Of course, the maximal
>> spanning tree is not unique, so the set of edges to be removed will not be
>> uniquely determined.
>> Sorry if this was already mentioned, or if it is actually unrelated to what
>> you need.
>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:37 AM, Johannes <> wrote:
>>> thnx for your answers.
>>> I'm dealing with an undirectred graph. In the beginning I have a given
>>> number of vertices (53 in my case now) and a list or relations between
>>> them. All I do is adding a new edge (a <-> b) if a is in relatoin to be.
>>> My problem is, i dont know form the beginning if it's loopsless. but I
>>> need to have it without any loops.
>>> greatz Johannes
>>> Am 05.02.2011 07:53, schrieb Nathann Cohen:
>>>>> how can i add a new edge (a->b) to a given graph G (n.n. connected),
>>>>> just in the case that there is no path (a -> ... -> b) before?
>>>> >From your question, I can not infer whether you are dealing with
>>> directed or
>>>> undirected graphs. So just in case :
>>>> - If your graph is undirected and there are no paths between two
>>> vertices a
>>>> and b, it means that a and b lie in different connected components.
>>> Given a
>>>> graph g, you can obtain the list of connected components with
>>>> g.connected_components(). It is a list of list (a partition of the
>>>> vertices). Two vertices are joined by a path if and only if they are in
>>> the
>>>> same connected component (in a Graph, "being linked by a path" is an
>>>> equivalence relation). As soon as you add an edge between two connected
>>>> components, you "merge" them :-)
>>>> - If your graph is directed, there is no equivalence relation anymore,
>>>> because it is not even reflexive. You may have a path from a to b, but
>>> no
>>>> path from b to a. We are then talking about strongly connected
>>> components
>>>> (g.strongly_connected_components()), g.is_strongly_connected()). If you
>>> have
>>>> two strongly conected components A and B in your graph, [ (adding one
>>> arc
>>>> from any vertex of A to any vertex of B) AND (adding one arc from any
>>> vertex
>>>> of B to any vertex of A) ] will ensure that for any pair of vertices in
>>> A U
>>>> B there exist paths in both directions. Pretty often you just need to
>>> add
>>>> ONE arc instead of two. You can get this information with the method
>>>> strongly_components_digraph
>>>> Strongly connected components :
>>>> In any case, you will often have a HUGE number of paths in your graphs,
>>>> while checking whether there exists a path from a to b is almost
>>>> instantaneous. You can do it manually with g.distance(a,b) <= g.order()
>>> or
>>>> len(g.shortest_path(u,v)) > 0. The methods connected_components() or
>>>> strongly_connected_components() actually test all the pairs at the same
>>>> time, which is faster than actually computing shortest paths or
>>> distances
>>>> between all pair. These methods are the most efficient you will find in
>>> Sage
>>>> : they are very simple and implemented in Cython, as they appear very,
>>> very
>>>> often in graph algorithms.
>>>> (if I missed your point, please also tell me whether you are dealing
>>> with
>>>> graphs/digraphs) :-)
>>>> Nathann
>>> g
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