> sage: a=2; b=3; f=5
> sage: assert(a-b<0)
> sage: sqrt(a-b)*sqrt(a+b)*sqrt(f)
> 5*I
> sage: sqrt((a^2-b^2)*f)
> 5*I
> sage:

Of course, you are right. But
sage: var("a,b,c,d,f")
(a, b, c, d, f)
sage: expr=sqrt((a-b)*(c+d))
sage: assume(a-b<0)
sage: expr.full_simplify()
sqrt(-c - d)*sqrt(-a + b)
So there assumptions work. Now
sage: expr3=sqrt((a-b)*(a+b))
sage: expr3.full_simplify()
sqrt(-a - b)*sqrt(-a + b)
All works fine.  But
sage: expr2 = sqrt(a^2-b^2)
sage: expr2.full_simplify()
sqrt(a - b)*sqrt(a + b)
Assumptions does not work, i expect that it should give
sqrt(-a - b)*sqrt(-a + b)
Of  course, if one need numerical answer it does not matter.  But in
symbolic terms answer sqrt(-a - b)*sqrt(-a + b) is more native. Is
there possibility to receive such answer?

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