On Saturday, April 16, 2011 1:52:50 PM UTC-7, nkulmati wrote:
> Hello All, 
> I have a simple script: 
> > G = graphs.RandomNGP(20, 0.05) 
> > centralities = G.centrality_closeness() 
> I can not figure out how to plot the graph G so that no only the 
> labels (1,2,3) are shown but also the corresponding centralities from 
> the dictionary "centralities"! 
> Does anyone have any idea?? 
> Also, is it possible to plot the vertices in different, pre-specified 
> colors?? (Sounds like a common task for bipartite graph visualization) 
> Thanks !!! 
A variation on OMF's answer:

G = graphs.RandomGNP(20, 0.05) 
centralities = G.centrality_closeness() 
for k in centralities: 
    d[k]=(k,RR(centralities[k]).n(digits=2)) # this is the main difference




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