This does answer my question.  Thank you.  How can we contribute to
the documentation about that.  Should we forward this to matplotlib or

On Apr 27, 8:49 pm, kcrisman <> wrote:
> On Apr 27, 11:10 pm, clinton bowen <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > My question about the thickness attribute for 2d plot functions.
> > Could somebody explain to me:
> > 1) what does "thickness - How thick the line is" mean?   this is
> > somewhat ambiguous to me.  Could somebody elaborate to me what this
> > means (e.g. thickness = 2 or thickness = 0.2)
> I think this is passed to matplotlib, so their docs would be
> relevant.  If you look at
> sage: sage.plot.line.Line??
> you'll discover that we are using set_linewidth, which is
> "set_linewidth(w)
> Set the line width in points
> ACCEPTS: float value in points"
> so points is the unit.   (By the way, that this is where the doc lives
> is not obvious; we try to hide this a little from the typical end
> user, because mpl allows too much customization for the casual
> plotter.)
> > 2) My guess is that whether a picture of a plot is relative to its
> > width and height so if I were plotting on the unit square,  I won't
> > see a line or a circle with thickness = .0000002   Is this correct?
> You can try it yourself.  The default plot is in the side 2 box
> centered at the origin, and
> sage: plot(sin(x),thickness=.00000002)
> sage: plot(sin(x),thickness=.00002)
> sage: plot(sin(x),thickness=.02)
> sage: plot(sin(x),thickness=.2)
> only the last one shows up, just barely, on my computer.  I suppose if
> you made the image MUCH larger it might.
> Please let us know if this doesn't answer your question, though!
> - kcrisman

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